Corporate Box-Fit
A survey in 2008 claimed that British Businesses loose £34 billion a year due to staff taking genuine sick days.
A recent HSE survey has shown that 6.5 million sick days are taken each year as a result of stress.
According to the HSE's research, about 500,000 people are suffering from work-related stress or depression in the UK.
And nearly 150,000 workers have taken at least a month off sick because of stress-related illness.
According to HSE estimates, the cost of stress to British industry is £370m a year, while the cost to society as a whole could be as high as £3.75bn.
The Health & Safety Executive found work-related stress is the second most common type of occupational ill health, after muscular-skeletal or back problems.
Our Format
Our Corporate Box-Fit sessions take place at your premises and we provide all equipment needed.
They can be at Lunch Time, after work or during working hours.
Benefits of corporate Fitness sessions include reduction in staff stress levels, increased motivation and increased staff interaction.
It will help you create a happier healthier work force.
** Corporate Circuit Training is also available **